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The decibel level of a barking dog - Behavior

 If someone asks you to measure the dog's neck loudly, you may experience noise loss - unless you recall the concept of the decibel level. Decibels help to express the sonic intensity of your precious Cairn Terrier's horror or playing orchestral classical music.

Decibel level

According to the Southwark Council of the United Kingdom, when a dog is bitten, it is at least 60 decibels. In some cases, it can be as high as 110 decibels.


Everyday words

If you want to compare the dog bark with some common words, keep in mind that the sewing machine is about 60 decibels - the same tide as the "starting point" table. A baby in the middle of a crying tantrum is about 110 decibels which is the same as a dog’s skin at the end of the spectrum noise. To protect your ears against potential damage, Ianplugs advises the Washington Post on a smart idea to sport when you emit sounds of at least 85 decibels.



If you’re looking for examples of canine with real-life impressive loud whistles, don’t waste any time and look straight at a gold-plated Charlie outside Adelaide, Australia. Cutie's Bark Arranged at 113.1 decibels - Don't upset the rock melody at a weekend live show. Fortunately, Puch is not considered to be annoying to his neighbors, especially when he instructs his owner to do so, he just pierces. Her big hole started when she was just a year old. In 2013, the Guinness World Record holder of the Gulf man was named "Lustest Bark".


Why dog ​​bark

Instead of freaking out on decibels and your pet’s roots, figure out the root cause behind it. Bark barking is a normal behavior of dogs, but excessive bark can be a sign of a problem. Many different things can be thought of as excitement and intensity, stimulus anxiety, including attention and recognition due to the presence of teddy bears, isolation and loneliness, and the presence related to nervousness. Get to the core of noisy behavior and find a way to fix it for the happiness of your pond and your ears.

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